Our Approach
We believe that children are naturally curious about the world around them. SKIPS is a place where all children can follow their interests and lead their own learning supported by staff. Staff will observe children closely, intervene when appropriate, plan for future play possibilities as well as following the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
SKIPS environment is set up with resources at child height. Children can independently access resources allowing them to become effective decision makers and enhance their play and learning experiences. Learning opportunities are planned and based on the child’s interests and curiosities at SKIPS and at home.
Our Pre-School offers ‘free-flow play’ meaning that children can move freely between inside and outside environments to enhance their learning experiences. We love outdoor learning, our garden door is open as much as possible; we even eat our snack outside. Our outside area offers many great learning tools such as equipment that children can use to create their own structures, a raised large sand pit, mud kitchen, climbing/jumping equipment, water play and a raised stage.